Installer Cover page
  • Download below the latest version of GP-Pro EX and optional Software tools.
  • Disk 1 is for the GP-Pro EX screen editor, transfer tool and project Version Reverter
  • Disk 2 is for other SW options like WinGP, GP-Viewer EX or Pro-face Remote HMI Server Details further down this page.
Select installer:

Important Note We replaced our Otasuke Pro user management system in an effort to strengthen our system security, and protect Customer data privacy. In order to download, please register again if necessary.

GP-Pro EX Limited Edition usage guideline

You can use GP-Pro EX without entering a license as a limited edition:

  • All functions can be used except the screen data transfer to HMI
  • Simulation mode supports functional and screen design checking

For full GP-Pro EX functionality, please purchase and activate a GP-Pro EX editor license (sample reference : PFXEXEDLS40A)


Important information regarding Ver 4.09.550

  • To update from versions earlier than Ver.4.09.500, download Disc 1 and install with a valid serial number and key code.
  • For conversion services regarding updating projects edited by GP-Pro EX V3.6 or earlier, please contact your local sales office.
  • For further information (Limitations or Cautions), please refer to the Readme file at the bottom of this page.


Prior to installation, be sure to close all software applications that are running.
  1. Mount the downloaded disk image (ISO file) as a virtual disk via Windows Explorer.
  2. Open the virtual disk and run ProEX_Setup.exe.
  3. Follow the given instructions in the installer routine and install the required SW.
    Please enter the Serial number and Key Code when available for the full functionality.
How to license GP-Pro EX after the installation for full functionality.


File Description

[Disk1 Description]

  • GP-Pro EX Ver. 4.09.550
  • Transfer Tool / Version Reverter

SHA256 : fe7ebc0cc58d4919d3c634773aafc822d56cf89953493a6d976acba22f5031a9

[Disk2 Description]

  • WinGP
  • GP-Viewer EX
  • Camera-Viewer EX
  • Data Copy Tool
  • GP Remote Printer Server 
  • EZ Fingerprint Recognition Setting Tool
  • EZ Fingerprint Recognition Unit Driver
  • Pass Through 
  • Pro-face Remote HMI Server
  • EZ Tower Light Driver

SHA256 : 4ddf89fd17ef23cd21802d2f5a49c546cb6b39f9f3a608e9b1679bc27576ef25


Operating Environment



Refer to the following Readme about the product's details.