GP-Pro EX Software Licenses and Related Software

"**" is changed with the version of software.

Product NameCommercial order reference per delivery methodQty licensesDescription
PAPER LicenseEMAIL LicenseOthers
GP-Pro EX editor license
for Screen and PLC project
1 licenseGP-Pro EX editor license to create HMI and PLC project in a highly intiuitive environment.
PFXEXGRPLS4010PFXEXGRPLS4010A-1 license for 10 PC's
PFXEXGRPLS4025PFXEXGRPLS4025A-1 license for 25 PC's
PFXEXGRPLS4050 -1 license for 50 PC's
Pro-Server EX V*.* Developer*1PFXEXSDVV13PFXEXSDVV13A-1 licenseSoftware that connects a PC to HMI via Ethernet and collects and transmits data (DVD)
Pro-Server EX Developer License*2PFXEXSDLSPFXEXSDLSA-1 licensePro-Server EX developer license (license key code)
Pro-Server EX Runtime License*3PFXEXSRLSPFXEXSRLSA-1 licensePro-Server EX Runtime License (license key code)
MES Action LicensePFXEXMSLSV10PFXEXMSLSV10A-1 licenseLicense key permitting Pro-Server EX to access a database (license key code)
GP-Viewer EX*4PFXEXVWPFXEXVWA-1 licenseAccess the HMI or WinGP from a PC in remote mode for operation and data copying
PFXEXVWLS10PFXEXVWLS10A-1 license for 10 PC's
PFXEXVWLS30PFXEXVWLS30A-1 license for 30 PC's
Pro-face Remote HMI ClientPFXEXRHCLSPFXEXRHCLSADownload from App Store
(Apple devices)
1 licenseAccess the HMI or WinGP from a PC in remote mode for operation. Special features like system overview with alarm indication supports unmatch operation efficiency. 
Download from Google Play
(Android devices)
1 license
Pro-face Remote HMI Server*4PFXEXRHSLSPFXEXRHSLSA-1 licenseEnables connectivity for a Windows PC to Pro-face Remote HMI Clients to view and operate the Windows Desktop or selected software
Video Converter License*4PFXEXMCLS--1 licenseLicense for the file conversion tool required to display video on HMI and PC (license key code)
Ladder Monitor License
(End of Sale : Sep. 15, 2023)
PFXEXLMQ2LS--1 licenseLicense for add-on software that can be monitored by the Ladder Program of Mitsubishi's PLC Q Series (license key code)
PFXEXLMA1LS--1 licenseLicense for add-on software that can be monitored by the Ladder Program of Mitsubishi's PLC A Series (license key code) (The ladder monitor is supported by the AnA series and the Q series (A mode).)
PFXEXLMCJ1LS--1 licenseLicense for add-on software that can be monitored by the Ladder Program of OMRON's CS/CJ Series (license key code)
RPA Client License
(Ver 4.09.400 or later is not supported.)
PFXEXRPPFXEXRPA-1 licenseLicense to access a PC on the network in remote mode (license key code)
PFXEXRPLS10PFXEXRPLS10A-1 licenses for 10 PC's
WinGP for IPC*4PFXEXWGIPPFXEXWGIPA-1 licenseLicence for using WinGP on WinGP-compatible IPC (license key code)
WinGP for PC/AT*4--PFXEXWGPC1 licenseLicence for using WinGP on PC/AT-compatible PC (USB dongle)
Camera-Viewer EX License*4
(End of Sale : Sep. 15, 2023)
PFXEXCAVELS--1 licenseCamera-Viewer EX allows you to record ,play and check videos on PC at office in real time from cameras connected to HMI.

*1Includes the settings editor and Runtime.

*2Purchase this product when installing the settings editor and Runtime in a second or subsequent PC.

*3Purchase this license when installing Runtime only in a second or subsequent PC. One license is required for each PC.

*4This application can be installed from GP-Pro EX DVD-ROM, only the license needs to be purchased.