File Description
[Disk1 Description]
- GP-Pro EX Ver. 4.09.550
- Transfer Tool / Version Reverter
SHA256 : fe7ebc0cc58d4919d3c634773aafc822d56cf89953493a6d976acba22f5031a9
[Disk2 Description]
- WinGP
- GP-Viewer EX
- Camera-Viewer EX
- Data Copy Tool
- GP Remote Printer Server
- EZ Fingerprint Recognition Setting Tool
- EZ Fingerprint Recognition Unit Driver
- Pass Through
- Pro-face Remote HMI Server
- EZ Tower Light Driver
SHA256 : 4ddf89fd17ef23cd21802d2f5a49c546cb6b39f9f3a608e9b1679bc27576ef25
Operating Environment
See GP-Pro EX Operating Environment
Download file
Refer to the following Readme about the product's details.